

Singing at a TVC Shoot in Bangkok earlier this year

Hey readers, It's exactly a month after my 27th birthday. Yes, closer to 30 that I am to 20... Growing up... In the middle of the night I searched through the cracks of my mind and came to conclusive decision. It will never be the right time to pull this stunt. It will still hurt whichever way... So in the darkest night hour, I decided that 2015 will not find me entangled in this emotional distress that had already started manifesting itself physically and in a never ending cycle of self pity.

And that's how it happened. 3 panic attacks later (with one very public one) I flew away. Life isn't a mystery to be solved, it isn't a problem to be enjoyed, it's a joy to be alive thus every day must be lived with hope and joy for we do not know when our hour of reckoning will be.

2015 will be a year of crossing lines and lanes, to see what's on the other side. It won't be about procrastinating nor will it be a selfish one. I seek to give back and bring happiness to those who deserve it. I have found a fulfillment in giving and not seeking for something in return.

A toast to new beginnings.




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