

Whatever brings you peace, may you find it.

There are people who come in to our lives and leave a mark that lingers on days and years on after you have met. Such people are those that you don't have to see every day, every week or every month but you know that they are out there and that you can reach out to them whenever necessary.

I am lucky to have my life's path cross with inspirational people. People who have planted seeds of wisdom and spoken blessings upon my life of which with gratitude I have prayed that God honors them. I am a fairly positive person and wish everyone (if not most people) well in all their endeavors. Surely everyone does deserve goodness and mercies, don't they? 

This last weekend I can say that I spoke to someone who has slightly 'more-than' crossed my path. It's almost deja-vu to have had someone share the same experience as I have had in the past, and with a narration of the events my stomach turned and the tiny hairs on my hands rose. It was almost surreal and for the first time I thought that everything I said to try and ease the stressful narration was simply inappropriate. I wish my friend well and will pray for for peace and strength to prevail. May Mary, mother of God, all the angels and saints join me in this prayer.

When I share these tales, my life's tales, it is with a spirit of contribution in the hope that someone reading it will have a positive impact. I'm neither the simplest nor the loudest person you will meet but as certain death is to us all, I do have a damn good energy and I hope to share it as long as I shall live.




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