

With Celia and Sheila at Cee's Homecoming Party

I have always known friendship is hard work. Everyone is their own person and it’s never like one person is living in the other person’s world. It’s more like, I want to live in your world and would love for you to live in mine. And when those dynamics change, it obviously wouldn’t work out. I have let go off friendships that I did not want those people to be in my space nor I theirs. It’s really easy, unselfish if you look at the whole picture, in my opinion. 

Building a friendship is like planting a garden. It has to be taken care of and frequently watered. Friendships have good times and bad times and when and I honestly do not have any close friendship standing that has not had a good time and a bad time. My best friend of all time Cee moved in with me just about a week ago and I know that we are both getting scares within us and from other people but amidst all that we still had the nerve to get on with it and move in together. We know that it’s not going to be easy but we would like to stay positive and keep each other company. I cannot imagine myself staying with another person right now than my own girl. I need to be with someone in the evenings when I get home. She was kind enough to accept my request to live together and considering the tough situation I am going through of losing my charming C, it was heart-warming that she said yes. I love you honey bee and we sure will make our house a little heaven! **Praying hard ;-) ** 

Another best friend of all time is Sheila, and I love her to bits. Our friendship is a little casual in the sense that we have not gone out of our own ways to tend to it but when need arises we both step up to be there for each other. I’ve always known that I tend to reciprocate compassion in equal measure. I just did not know how to put it in words and I recall another friend telling me that I am an empath.  Sheila loved me and I loved her and once she called me at midnight and it was an unfortunate situation, a car-jack and I had to step up. Thank God she is smart and she got to safety with her sister. I called Sheila once at like 7pm when I moved in to my new apartment and she came over with her friends to spend the night with me. You have to agree that if anyone called you at 7pm to ask you to drive all the way to their place when you already had plans for the night and the next morning, it’d take a lot of love to even move a finger and not give an excuse. Selfless as she is to me, so will I be to her. I know my girls have all met and built more friendships, I am happy to be in friendship frenzy. It’s always a love fest around me, any other weirdo’s with bad vibes best keep away from me.

Good old days at University of Nairobi YMCA swimming pool

I can trust my friends. These people force me to examine, encourage me to grow- Cher




  1. Just read all your friendship post, must say, there is no greater gift than good, trustworthy,reliable friends.Thank GOD for amazing friendships.

  2. D I wholly agree that investing in true friends is that worthy.Keep up!!


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