

With Ernania at Osteria Del Chianti

I have friends I consider cordial even though we have met for a short period. Usually these friends are in different countries for instance friends I meet at Media Productions in other countries and beauty pageants in and out of Africa. These friends I met them maybe once or twice and for even less than a total period of 2 weeks but because of a bond we share, we have managed to keep in touch and we are very good friends. I met Ernania tonight and we went out for dinner with another friend of hers. I was smiling like a girl who just met her childhood friend!!!
Ernania is a friend I met during the continental Mnet Face of Africa Search in 2009 and 2010 and we travelled to 4 African countries (3 for me) We stayed in Kenya then went to South Africa and then Tanzania in 2009. On February of 2010 we met again for 10days in Lagos. So when she told me that she would be around, I was pleasantly surprised and happy. We dined and wined and now it’s time to sleep. It’s been 2 months since my Charming angel joined our maker and I feel that he will always be around to watch over me. Thank you Ernania for reminding me that. I miss Charlie. I miss you already. See you when I get to Mozambique whenever that will be, hopefully soon... ;-)

I know I can't be there, Baby, It's alright, I'll be waiting for you tonight. I pray that you'll be there, when I close my eyes, meet me in my dreams tonight. - Boys 2 Men




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